A degree in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering prepares students for a wide variety of career or graduate school options. It is both challenging and demanding. It requires not only academic competence but also a high level of motivation and persistence. Our goal is to enroll those students in this rigorous program who demonstrate both the aptitude and dedication necessary for success.
CHBE adheres to the Institute’s Change of Major policies, but has implemented academic advising protocols to ensure that this important decision is in the student’s best interest and provides the foundation for a successful career. These protocols are tailored to the specific needs of different categories of students, as outlined below. With only ONE unrestricted transfer between majors for incoming first year freshmen, it is critical that students partner with their advisors to gather the information needed to make an informed decision.
As a first step, we encourage all students who are considering a change of major into CHBE to attend a group Change of Major meeting to learn more about the degree. To sign up for a meeting please fill out this form. In addition, a student may consider.
Continuing Students with 30 or more hours of credit
We require continuing students considering a change of major to first attend a Change of Major meeting to learn more details about our program.
Second, a student must seek a permit to enroll in the gateway class, CHBE 2100, if s/he has completed the prerequisites. Permits for non-CHBE majors to register for the class are issued during Phase II registration. A permit allows you to register for the class, but it does not guarantee availability of seats. Permits must be requested by emailing Adrienne Hillman, including your GT ID#, and the term in which you wish to take the class.
Third, we require that each student enrolled in CHBE 2100 complete a mandatory meeting with a faculty mentor to discuss academic and career goals. This is an opportunity for you to interact with a professor within the School and ask any questions you may have about the curriculum and the career opportunities within this field.
Upon completion of CHBE 2100 with a grade of “C” or higher, which is necessary to proceed with the next level of CHBE courses, we will consider approval of the Change of Major request. We will only approve requests for students in good standing. After approval, you will then be able to register for the next tier of classes in the CHBE course sequence during Phase II registration.
Admitted Summer or Fall Freshmen
Admitted first-year applicants who are seeking a change of major should attend a group Change of Major meeting to learn more about the program and are encouraged to participate in AIChE Lunch & Learn events. According to Institute policies, newly admitted students in their first term of enrollment cannot receive approval for a change of major request until after the deadline for withdrawal with a W grade. Change of major requests submitted after this date are processed at the end of the term and approved changes become effective for the next term of enrollment.
For additional information and FAQs regarding Change of Major for newly admitted students please refer to Change of Major | Advising & Transition (gatech.edu).
Transfer Students
Admitted transfer students may pursue a change of major after their first semester (12 credit hour or more) at Tech. However, a change of major is not guaranteed for transfer students, as outlined in the Institute policies. The ChBE Academic Committee will consider change requests on a case-by-case basis, weighing the merits of each student’s request individually.
A transfer student seeking a change of major will follow all of the steps outlined above for a continuing student with 30 or more credit hours. However, a permit to take CHBE 2100 will not be issued to a new transfer student until after a GPA at Georgia Tech has been earned and the student is in good standing.
Upon satisfactory completion of CHBE 2100, the student’s academic record at Georgia Tech and completed Academic Goals Worksheet will be evaluated by the ChBE Academic Committee to determine if a change of major is deemed appropriate for approval.
For additional information and FAQs regarding Change of Major for transfer students please refer to Change of Major | Advising & Transition (gatech.edu).