The following set of procedures is being implemented to make the operation of the Machine Research Services more efficient and to ensure that work gets done in the most professional and high-quality manner.
- The machine shop may be used by research and instructional programs under the direction of faculty members having primary appointments in the School of Chemical Engineering.
- The machinist is available by appointment for discussion of work from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday. Before setting an appointment, the person intending to request performance of any task must have completed a clear, legible drawing, with dimensions, of what is wanted.
- Any student wishing to submit an order should first confer with his or her advisor. The machinist will accept a job only after being provided a detailed drawing of the project, as with AutoCAD, with the signature of the faculty research advisor. Upon acceptance of the job, the task will be given a sequential number and the machinist will provide an estimate of the completion time and due date.
- The machinist will continue to keep records of each job. If any job is not done by the completion date assigned, a written explanation will be furnished to the person requesting the work, with copies to the research advisor and Shop Supervisor.
- Machining will are done 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday on jobs in the order assigned. No trading of priorities is permitted. Jobs requiring less than one hour will be done 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every Friday. If there are no jobs requiring less than an hour, the machinist will continue working on the first assigned job left to be completed from the work-request list.
- The machinist will provide the student and research advisor with the information necessary to purchase parts and/or materials that are commercially available. Projects that require manufacture of commercially available parts will be done only with the approval of the Shop Supervisor.
- Hand and power tools will be available for check out from 9 to 10 a.m. Monday through Friday, and they must be returned no later than 4:30 on the same day. Any person failing to return any tool to the machine services will lose the privilege of checking out tools.