Global Experiences for ChBE Students

Georgia Tech - Europe (Metz, France)

Oxford, England

Lyon, France
GT Europe- Metz, France:
- GT Campus
- ChBE Core Course Availability ChBE 2140/3205 (Summer term only)
- Other Course Availability MSE 2001, MATH 2551/2552, Social Science, Humanities, Engineering, and Free Electives
BEST Program – Lyon, France:
- GT Faculty-led Program
- Course Availability CHEM 2311/2312, CHEM 2380, BIOS 3450
- ChBE Core Course Availability N/A
Oxford Program – UK/Europe (locations vary):
- GT Faculty-led Program
- Course Availability MSE 2001, COE 2001, Social Science, Humanities and Free Electives
- ChBE Core Course Availability N/A
LBAT (Language for Business and Technology – location varies:
- GT Faculty-led Program
- Course Availability Modern Languages including Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish
- ChBE Core Course Availability N/A

KAIST - South Korea

Metz, France

KAIST- South Korea: Link
- Exchange Program
- ChBE Core Course Availability Fall 2025: CHBE 4505 (equivalent to CHBE 4510/4520) *course availability is subject to change and is not guaranteed for 2026 or beyond
- Other Course Availability ChBE electives, Social Science, Humanities and Engineering, Free Electives
GT Barcelona - Spain:
- GT Faculty-led Program
- Course Availability CHEM 2311, CHEM 3521, MSE 2001, CS 1371, MATH 2551/2552, PHYS 2211/2212, Social Science, Humanities and Engineering, Free Electives
- ChBE Core Course Availability N/A
GT Europe - Metz, France:
- GT Campus
- Course Availability MSE 2001, ENGL 1102, CS 1371, MATH 1551/1552/1554/2551/2552, PHYS 2211/2212, Social Science, Humanities, Engineering and Free Electives
- ChBE Core Course Availability N/A

KFUPM - Saudi Arabia

Sydney, Australia
KFUPM- Saudi Arabia: Link
- Exchange Program
- ChBE Core Course Availability: CHBE 2140, 3205, 3215, 4411
- Other Course Availability ChBE electives, Social Science, Humanities and Engineering, Free Electives
GT Pacific Program – Australia/New Zealand:
- GT Faculty Led
- Course Availability CHEM 2312, APPH 1040, Social Science, Humanities, and Free Electives
- ChBE Core Course Availability N/A
GT Europe- Metz, France:
- GT Campus
- Course Availability MSE 2001, MATH 2551/2552, PHYS 2211/2212, Social Science, Humanities Engineering, and Free Electives
- ChBE Core Course Availability N/A
Key Study Abroad Terms
GT Campus: Georgia Tech Europe is a self-contained campus where GT faculty teach undergraduates from a variety of GT majors each semester. Tuition and program fee is paid to GT and credit hours/grades are calculated in your GPA. Enrollment is available every semester but specific ChBE courses are only in Summer. Minimum hours required: Summer = 10; Fall/Spring = 12
GT Faculty Led: GT faculty teach a group of students who take between two and four classes that fulfill non-ChBE core areas of the major while visiting culturally relevant locations around the world. Tuition and program fee is paid to GT and credit hours/grades are calculated in your GPA.
Hours required: GT Lyon = 5-8; Oxford = 12; Barcelona = 12; Pacific = 12-13; LBAT= 6-9
Exchange: Many exchanges are available in fall and spring, but locations to take ChBE Core classes are limited. This is a great option for students who primarily want to study in a specific country or region. During exchange semesters students apply as specially admitted students at another institution, and take classes with students from that school. Credits are issued as a type of “transfer” credit and are required to be a C or higher, but do not apply to the GPA. Tuition is paid to GT and is billed as “in-state” regardless of student’s designation. Minimum hours required: 12
Paying for Study Abroad
Scholarships/Financial Aid: Office of International Education encourages all students to submit a request for financial aid consideration. There are ChBE specific scholarships for study abroad provided each year but students must first apply through the general OIE application. Other aid such as Zell/HOPE and federal aid may be used as well. Deadline for Spring/Summer programs is Oct 15th; Deadline for Summer/Fall programs is Feb 15th. See to apply.
Calculation of cost savings: On exchange programs, out of state or international students will be charged the “in state” tuition rate for their credit hours. In addition, housing costs at many of the exchange locations are much lower than Atlanta, with savings of thousands of dollars over the course of several months.
Co-Op/Internship Salary: Since study abroad can provide an opportunity to remain on track with your ChBE course work, it can make doing more terms of full time internship or co-op possible. Many students earn enough on a work term to pay for their study abroad!