What is ChBE?
Chemical engineering is a broad and versatile discipline in which chemical engineers work with the development and application of processes that change materials either chemically or physically. This branch of engineering was originally based on the applications of chemistry combined with the principles of physics and mathematics. What differentiates chemical engineering from chemistry is the former’s emphasis on large scales.
While chemists focus on chemical reactions in the lab, chemical engineers work to scale up those discoveries to work economically in commercial production. They develop both processes and equipment as needed. Through the years, chemical engineering has evolved to integrate knowledge of biological processes to focus on molecular-level solutions to issues in the life sciences related to the environment, energy, biotechnology, medicine, and more. That’s why the field is now known as chemical and biomolecular engineering.
Why ChBE at GT?
Learn from ChBE undergraduate students and faculty members about about the wide range of opportunities afforded by the program.

What can you do with the ChBE degree?
Chemical engineers play a crucial role in making the world run better. They contribute to society by solving pressing problems related to health, energy, and the environment. Because of the wide range of industries that depend on the synthesis and processing of chemicals and materials, chemical engineers are always in great demand. Traditionally employed by the chemical, energy, and oil industries, chemical engineers are increasingly sought after in the fields of biotechnology, microelectronics, pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper, food textiles, consumer products, and environmental engineering.
Our graduates have excelled in an a wide range of roles, including corporate executives, plant engineers, professors, inventors, researchers, consultants, and financial officers.
Degree Options
Our degree program options are designed to provide you with the flexibility required to succeed in an enormously varied set of career paths.
BS in ChBE — Standard Option
Provides the basics of chemical and biomolecular engineering, allowing flexibility for students to explore related areas through electives.
BS in ChBE— Biotech Option
This option includes the core chemical engineering courses. Electives and the capstone design course focus on the biomolecular aspects of ChBE.
Five-year BS/MS in ChBE
This five-year program seeks to engage undergrads who indicate an interest in, and ability for, additional education beyond the BS degree. Students with signifi cant AP credit are especially well positioned to take full advantage of this opportunity.
Special Degree Designations:
• Cooperative Plan – Georgia Tech boasts the largest voluntary co-op program in the country, providing students with practical experience to support the theory learned in the classroom. Students receive compensation for their services.
• Research Option – Earned through completion of an in-depth, longterm research experience culminating in a final paper or thesis.
• International Plan – Integrates overseas experience of at least 26 weeks, language profi ciency, and globally-focused coursework within the context of the chemical engineering discipline.