The School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering offers graduate programs involving advanced-level coursework and independent research leading to MS and PhD degrees in chemical engineering. The MS degree can usually be obtained by coursework only, without a thesis. Course selection for both the MS and doctoral degrees is quite flexible, with individual plans of study developed for each student.
Research opportunities exist in a broad range of areas of importance to chemical engineers and society, including catalysis, reaction kinetics, complex fluids, microelectronics, microfluidics, optimization, bioinformatics, polymers, sustainable development, pulp and paper, separations, CO2 capture, biomedicine, solar energy, thermodynamics, environmental science, reaction engineering, cancer diagnostics and therapeutics, biofuels, air quality, data-driven modeling, and process synthesis and control.
PhD Program
The PhD program in ChBE forges a close professional relationship between graduate students and faculty members. Working together on cutting edge research, you and your faculty mentors will develop an academic and research program tailored to meet your individual needs.
Although the typical program takes about five years to complete, you may finish the requirements in slightly less, or more, time.
We offer financial assistance to all of our PhD students, providing exceptional opportunities to extraordinary people.
PhD students at Georgia Tech ChBE can earn doctoral degrees in:
- Chemical Engineering
- Bioengineering
- Machine Learning
MS Program
The MS program in ChBE is a coursework-based, non-thesis degree designed for students who want to develop a deeper knowledge of the fundamentals and learn about emerging applications. It is ideal for students who plan to enter industry or who are returning to school after working in industry.
The MS program requires 31 hours of coursework, which can be completed in two or three semesters (see the schedule below), depending on the student's pace and the availability of elective courses of interest.
Students admitted to the MS ChBE program do not do thesis research and are not eligible for ChBE graduate research assistant positions or tuition waivers. Thus, it is a self-paying program. Just like PhD students, MS students can take advantage of Georgia Tech's Career Services, which hosts career fairs and connects students with the large number of employers that come to Georgia Tech seeking talent.
Note: Applicants who do not have a ChBE or equivalent BS degree should read the information at the bottom of the MS Degree Requirements page, under “for applicants without a BS chemical engineering degree.”

General Timeline for PhD Program
Fall Year 1
Take five core ChBE courses (6003, 6100, 6200, 6300 and 6500)
Take ChBE 8801 - Research Methods & Ethics
Attend weekly research seminars
Meet with faculty to select six advisor options
Advisor assignment finalized (Oct.)
Prepare for qualifying exams (Oct. - Dec.)
Qualifying exams info session (Nov.)
Spring Year 1
Take final core CHBE course (6260)
Take elective and/or minor courses
Attend weekly research seminars
Take qualifying exams (Jan.)
Retake qualifying exams if required (May)
Begin research
Consult with advisor to select courses for minor
Possibly serve as a TA
Fall Year 2
Take elective and/or minor courses
Retake core ChBE courses if necessary for "B" or better grade
Attend weekly research seminars
Continue research
Select thesis committee
Possibly serve as TA
Spring Year 2
Take elective and/or minor courses
Retake core ChBE courses if necessary for "B" or better grade
Attend weekly research seminars
Continue research
Complete thesis proposal (deadline: summer)
Defend thesis proposal
Fall Year 3
Take elective and/or minor courses
Attend weekly research seminars
Continue research
Practical training (write papers and present at conferences)
Possibly serve as TA
Spring Year 3
Take elective and/or minor courses
Attend weekly research seminars
Continue research
Complete thesis proposal (deadline: summer)
Defend thesis proposal
Possibly serve as a TA
Spring Year 3
Take elective and/or minor courses
Attend weekly research seminars
Continue research
Complete thesis proposal (deadline: summer)
Defend thesis proposal
Possibly serve as a TA
Spring Year 4
Attend weekly research seminars
Continue research
Practical training (write papers and present at conferences)
Present at ChBE Grad Student Symposium
Possibly serve as TA
General Timeline for MS Program
Fall Year 1
Take five core ChBE courses:
6003 Safety
6100 Advanced Thermodynamics
6260 Advanced Mass Transport
6300 Advanced Kinetics and Reactor Design
6500 Advanced Mathematical Modeling
Spring Year 1
Take remaining core ChBE course (6200 Advanced Fluid Mechanics)
Take elective courses (variable to suit individual plan)
67xx ChBE elective
Free elective 1
Free elective 2 (can be deferred to fall term*)
Free elective 3 (can be deferred to fall term*)
Free elective 4 (can be deferred to fall term*)
* Graduate electives generally are not available during the summer terms.
Fall Year 2
Take remaining elective courses (depending on previous courses taken)
Free elective 2
Free elective 3
Graduate in December

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Stefani Kocevska describes her experiences as a PhD student in Georgia Tech's School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
Stefani Kocevska describes her experiences as a PhD student in Georgia Tech's School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.