For Undergraduate Students
We aspire to expand access to chemical and biomolecular engineering education to students today and for generations to come.
The undergraduate program in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Tech is among the largest in the U.S., supplying talented, highly-skilled engineers to the work force. The Institute must continue to attract the best students to chemical and biomolecular engineering, widely considered one of the most challenging academic disciplines. To achieve this goal, the School needs funding for undergraduate scholarships to attract the best and brightest students, as well as support student enrichment, breaking down the barriers of access for all students.
Named Scholarship Endowment (Full) ~ from $500,000
Named Dean’s Scholarship Endowment (Cohort Program) ~ from $250,000
Named Scholarship Endowment (Partial) ~ from $100,000
Please inquire about endowment funds for scholarships. We will work with you to establish a fund that is meaningful to you and supports students for generations.
ChBE Scholarship Fund ~ a current-use fund where gifts of any size support students in the immediate term.
GIVE NOW ONLINE (please specify “ChBE Scholarship” in Special Purpose)

“I was so thankful to receive the Cheryl Weldon Johnson Scholarship. It helped ease the burden of living expenses and loans. Not having to worry about the financial aspect made school so much easier and has motivated me to work even harder. I absolutely love Georgia Tech, and I would love to give back to the school one day.”
- Undergraduate Hannah Clay, Cheryl Johnson Weldon Scholar
For Graduate Students
Graduate students are the research engine of Georgia Tech. They lend their creative energy and entrepreneurial tenacity to our community and are critical to both high-caliber research efforts and innovative undergraduate programs. They are also the pipeline to tomorrow’s academic leadership.
Attracting exceptional chemical and biomolecular engineering graduate students is both fiercely competitive and critically important to the School. Securing top graduate students allows us to attract preeminent faculty who are the innovators in their respective areas of research. ChBE’s graduate students are tomorrow’s academic researchers, teachers, and trailblazers in industry. Fellowship funding ensures the best training at Georgia Tech, enabling our graduate students to reach their academic goals.
Named President’s Fellowship Endowment (Full/Special Program) ~ from $1,250,000
Named Fellowship Endowment (Full) ~ from $1,000,000
Named Fellowship Endowment (Partial) ~ from $150,000
Please inquire about endowment funds for graduate fellowships. We will work with you to establish a fund that is meaningful to you and supports students for generations.
ChBE Graduate Fellowship Fund ~ a current-use fund where gifts of any size support graduate students in the immediate term.
GIVE NOW ONLINE (please specify “ChBE Fellowship” in Special Purpose)

“The IBM fellowship provided me with opportunities that helped advance my career. The financial support allowed me to explore research areas aligned with my intellectual interests and also led to a summer internship at one of their top research centers. During the internship, I worked on challenging projects that involved applying machine learning to polymer science and chemical engineering.”
- Gabriel Sabença Gusmão, PhD Candidate and IBM Fellow
To inquire about making a gift or multi-year commitment in support of the School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, please contact:
Lauren M. Kennedy
Director of Development (Individuals & Foundations)
School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and
School of Materials Science & Engineering
Office: 404-894-6345
Email: lauren.kennedy@dev.gatech.edu
Donna Peyton
Director of Corporate Engagement
School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and
School of Materials Science & Engineering
Office: (404) 894-0987
Cell: (404) 884-4880