Georgia Tech requires all new PhD graduate students and those paid on a RCR flagged project to be trained in the principles of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). This training must be completed in two phases, via completion of online CITI modules within 90 days of starting at Georgia Tech, and via “in-person training” during the first fall semester at Georgia Tech. Failure to meet RCR compliance may result in registration holds, loss of GRA status, and/or jeopardize graduate student status at Georgia Tech.
Step 1: Complete the online CITI modules within 90 days of starting at Georgia Tech as a graduate student.
- Link to online module:
- Please note:
- Make sure to print and maintain a copy of your completion certificate in the event your name does not appear in the Institute’s CITI report.
- The CITI course that satisfies the online RCR training requirement IS NOT the same as the CITI courses that researchers take to satisfy the online training requirements of GT’s IACUC (vertebrae animal subjects research) or GT’s IRB (human subjects research)
Step 2: Complete the in-person training by registering for and passing BOTH ChBE 6001 and ChBE 6003.
- Some leeway allowed for the completion of ChBE 6001 and 6003 based on time and other constraints. In these instances, an In-Person Certification form must be completed, with signatures from both the employee and advisor. Then emailed to
Certification Form