Alex Abramson
Assistant Professor
Saad Bhamla
Associate Professor
John Blazeck
Assistant Professor and Cecil J. "Pete" Silas Faculty Fellow
Andreas Bommarius
Professor, Clifford W. Rackley Faculty Fellow, and Nobles Family Faculty Fellow
Fani Boukouvala
Associate Professor and Glenn T. Wright Faculty Fellow
Victor Breedveld
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, Professor and Frank Dennis Faculty Fellow
Blair Brettmann
Associate Professor, Solvay Faculty Fellow, and Raymond and Stephanie Myers Faculty Fellow
Julie Champion
Professor (William R. McLain Endowed Term Professorship)
Lily Cheung
Associate Professor and Roy C. and Polly B. Sheffield Faculty Fellow
Christian Cuba-Torres
Senior Lecturer and E. J. Grassmann Fellow
Michael Filler
Professor, T. Hamilton and Bettye Traylor Faculty Fellow, and Deputy Director of the Institute for Matter and Systems
David Flaherty
Professor (Thomas C. DeLoach Jr. Endowed Professorship)
Thomas Fuller
Professor and Thomas A. Solak Faculty Fellow
Benjamin Galfond
Academic Professional and E. J. Grassmann Fellow
Martha Grover
Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies; Thomas A. Fanning Chair in Equity Centered Engineering; ; and ADVANCE Professor, College of Engineering
Marta Hatzell
Associate Professor
Yuhang Hu
Associate Professor
Vida Jamali
Assistant Professor and Daniel B. Mowrey Faculty Fellow
Christopher Jones
Professor, John F. Brock III School Chair
Ravi Kane
Professor, Garry Betty/V Foundation Chair and GRA Eminent Scholar in Cancer Nanotechnology
Paul Kohl
Regents' Professor, Institute Fellow, Thomas L. Gossage Chair
William Koros
Professor, Roberto C. Goizueta Chair for Excellence in Chemical Engineering, and GRA Eminent Scholar in Membranes
Bjarne Kreitz
Assistant Professor
Nian Liu
Associate Professor and Robert G. Miller Faculty Fellow
Ryan Lively
Professor (Thomas C. DeLoach Jr. Endowed Professorship)
Hang Lu
Professor and Cecil J. "Pete" Silas Chair of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Martin Maldovan
Associate Professor and Jack S. Baldwin Faculty Fellow
Andrew Medford
Associate Professor and J. Frank Scarborough Faculty Fellow
J. Carson Meredith
Professor and James Preston Harris Faculty Fellow, Executive Director of the Renewable Bioproducts Institute
Sankar Nair
Professor, J. Harry and Myrtice K. Simmons Faculty Fellow, Mary Kathleen and Howard Lee Bulluck Jr. Faculty Fellow, and Associate Chair for Industry Outreach
Nga Lee (Sally) Ng
Love Family Professor
Solomon Tolulope Oyakhire
Assistant Professor (starting August 2025)
Anant Paravastu
Associate Professor and W. Lloyd Johnson and Ann Drake Johnson Faculty Fellow
Mark Prausnitz
Regents' Professor, J. Erskine Love Jr. Chair in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, and Director of the Center for Drug Design, Development and Delivery
Matthew Realff
Professor and David I.J. Wang Faculty Fellow
Nick Sahinidis
Butler Family Chair and Professor
Joseph Scott
Associate Professor and Dorothy and Lee Tanner Faculty Fellow
Carsten Sievers
Professor and Robert L. Seldomridge Faculty Fellow
Jacqueline Snedeker
Senior Academic Professional – Director of Technical Communications Program and E. J. Grassmann Fellow
Patricia Stathatou
Assistant Professor
Mark Styczynski
Professor (William R. McLain Endowed Term Professorship)
Yonathan Thio
Senior Lecturer and E. J. Grassmann Fellow
Zhaohui (Julene) Tong
Associate Professor and James C. Barber Faculty Fellow
Krista Walton
Professor and Robert "Bud" Moeller Faculty Fellow
Corey Wilson
Love Family Professor and Associate Chair for Faculty Development
Julia Yang
Assistant Professor
Micah S. Ziegler
Assistant Professor and John Woody Faculty Fellow